Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, has announced the new GSM variant of the Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos. Building on the popularity of the Galaxy Ace, the Galaxy Ace Duos (GSM + GSM) combines a sleek design, high-performance features and a rich experience with dual-SIM support, allowing users to manage their work and personal lives with one smartphone. Users can also use the device to carry two SIM cards with different billing plans, switching when convenient or cost-appropriate. The device is powered by an 832MHz processor and runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread. The GSM variant of the Duos comes with a 1300 mAh battery. This device has been launched after the CDMA version of the Galaxy Ace Duos (CDMA + GSM), which we reviewed earlier.
Let’s have a look at the remaining specs of the Ace Duos:
Let’s have a look at the remaining specs of the Ace Duos:
- 3.5-inch HVGA TFT-LCD display with a 320 x 480 pixel resolution
- 3G, EDGE/ GPRS, Wi-Fi
- GPS with A-GPS support
- Bluetooth with A2DP and USB 2.0 (Micro)
- 5MP autofocus camera
- FM radio with RDS
- 3GB internal + microSD card support for up to 32GB
“With Dual SIM convenience, enhanced connectivity, and performance features, the Galaxy Ace Duos delivers a sleek design and incredible features intended to provide consumers with a smartphone that meets their hidden needs.” said JK Shin President and Head of IT & Mobile Communications Division at Samsung. “We continue to listen to our customers and lead them to a life extraordinary by expanding our GALAXY smart device range, which continues to gain traction as one of the most recognized and popular mobile brands in the world.”
The Galaxy Ace Duos’s dual SIM system aims to maximize communication flexibility by allowing users to manage two separate phone numbers on one smartphone. Samsung’s ‘dual SIM always on’ feature automatically forwards calls from the phone number on SIM 2, even if a user is on the phone with SIM 1′s number. This ensures that a user can always manage their work and personal lives and never miss a call.
In addition to its connectivity features, the Galaxy Ace Duos comes with Samsung’s Touchwiz user interface. 3GB of internal storage means you can store a number of videos, music, and images on the go. And then there’s ChatON, Samsung’s communication service that connects users on any phone platform into a single community. Designed for users with active lifestyles, the Galaxy Ace Duos will be available from June, starting with Russia and will gradually be rolled out to Europe, CIS, Latin America, Southeast and Southwest Asia, Middle East, Africa, and China.
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